Cordylobia anthropophaga - the Tumbu Fly
Adults are stout, predominantly yellow-brown flies. The thorax has two ill-defined longitudinal black marks, and abdomen irregular transverse black bands. Face and legs yellow. Adult size is very variable, between 6 to 12 mm long.
Mature larvae also vary greatly in size, even from the same host. Fully grown they are on average 13-15mm long.
Cordylobia anthropophaga is the Tumbu fly of Africa which causes a boil-like (furuncular) type of myiasis, particularly of man and dogs. Eggs are deposited on dry, shaded ground, especially if contaminated by urine/faeces, or on drying laundry. Larvae hatch in 1-3 days and remain just under the soil surface until activated by host body heat. They then emerge, burrow into the host and grow for 8-15 days in a furuncle. Other domestic animals found naturally infected are cats, goats, rabbits and guinea-pigs. Wild animals that have been found infected include various primates, rodents, and even leopards.
Restricted to sub-Saharan Africa.
Primary Source
- Zumpt F. (1965). Myiasis in Man and Animals in the Old World. Butterworths, London,UK, 26